Breeder of Today's Athletic Draft and DraftX Warmblood. Featuring OAKWOOD THISTLE'S GUINNESS, purebred Clydesdale stallion standing at stud in Portland…
Read my horse add :)
Small farm
Small breeder of AMHA/AMHR/Pinto miniature horses. Numerous breeds of large horses for sale or lease. 31.5" dun tovero mini stallion at stud
Home to purebred Irish Draught stallion Manu Fortis Proud Chieftain. Select Irish Sporthorse youngstock available.
We do halter conditioning and sales are rates are some of the best $680 a month. We also do local horse transport, and on the west coast.
Sales - training - clinics - lessons. Certified FT (Icelandic trainer association) & Holar (International Center and University of the Icelandic Horse…
We have been in horses for the last 20 yrs and just started breeding Paint we were breeding Arabs.